Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Works for Me!

At our house, we love the Pampers Kandoo Foaming products!

To keep from having to buy new bottles when we run out, I simply refill them with our own soap and water. It works great! Once the soap or shampoo is gone, refill with your own clear (not conditioning) liquid hand soap or baby shampoo/wash. Squeeze about 1/2 inch of soap in bottle, then fill the rest of the way with water. Attach lid and give it a shake. The kids will never know!

For more tips, check out Shannon's blog!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


First gripe: Does anyone else feel stressed out when you can't read all 100+ tips from Shannon's blog every Wednesday? AAAHHH!! Throughout the day I periodically check the list and try to read a few more. But each time I check it out, there are about 20 new entries! I think it would take all week to read them and then I'd have to start all over again!

Here's my 2nd gripe: IT'S HOT! I am so tired of the HEAT! Yes, it's Texas. Yes, it's July. You'd think after 37 years I'd be used to it. But I'm so sick of it. I think what's so irritating is that the people on the East Coast are whining and complaining because it's 95 degrees there. Poor babies! Try 105 everyday for weeks! Try no significant rain for months.

OK, I'm better now. Hubby just returned from DQ with a Heath Blizzard! It may be a little bit melted, but it's heaven! Why do we feel justified eating ice cream in the blazing heat - like that takes out the fat and sugar? I guess in a way I feel I've beaten the heat for just a moment.

Is it October yet? Who am I kidding? it November yet?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

What a Relief!

Despite the way I often feel, I'm officially not a NERD!!

I am nerdier than 5% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!">

But I refuse to take the "stupid" test!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


We're back from vacation. Here are some pictures of the boys.